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G!d’s Lonely Programmer
The desire to build something grand and immortal is so familiar, but it feels out of reach for me.
Language Is an Invention, Not an Instinct
Human DNA can’t even encode something so rich in information.
The War Against Rest: New Christian Arguments for the Sabbath
If we’re going to stop the boot of mindless capitalism from stamping on America’s face for the rest of time, we’re going to need some thoroughly Christian arguments.
How Not to Do Important Science Journalism About Spirituality
It makes me so upset to see articles about important things executed this way in the name of maximizing eyeballs.
Why It Matters That We’re Landing on a Comet
There are many arguments both for and against space stuff, but the one that puts me firmly on the pro-space side is the argument for perspective.
Shabbat Shalom (Not in a Religious Way)
I just haven’t come up with a better way to say “HAIL, WEEKEND!” that gets the point across properly.
Corporate Spirituality and the New Meritocracy Lie
It turns the whole effort into a sinister parody of itself.
Several Educations on Introspection
School taught me to see my feelings, but it didn’t teach me to feel them.