Too Much Complexity
You know that gritty too-much-complexity feeling current events have had lately? Not just “too much information” but “these pieces are each individually so tangled that they’re intractable, but we are trying to fit them together, which is absurd, why are we doing that?”
The astrology of the rest of this year is increasingly giving me that IDENTICAL sense, except now it’s coming down to personal layers, individual identities and relationships, interpersonal conflicts, stuff that might not have had it when we were all, you know, locked down.
I am not thrilled about it, particularly because it’s already showing up in my actual relationships. That’s how I know it’s starting — not because the chart says so (Venus is still direct for chrissakes) but because my relationships are already exploding.
Now’s a good time to dig into practices supporting individual stability and resilience, not of the personality or identity — those are fucked — but of the ability to regulate and process rapidly as change rips through those places, which can be relied upon too much for stability.