Horary 0074: Where Is My Stolen Car?


The querent’s car was stolen on June 2 from a main street around the corner from their house. They wanted to know where it was, if it would return to them, and how soon if so. Fair enough.


I assigned the car Jupiter, as it rules both the 2nd house of mobile possessions and the 12th house of “beasts of burden” and the stables. Jupiter is falling from the IC, the point that signifies home, putting him in the 3rd house of the nearby neighborhood, though slightly far from Venus — the IC’s ruler — significator of the querent’s actual home.

The querent is signified by Saturn, ruler of the ascendant, who is retrograde and slow — as one who is without one’s car would be — but is now imminently and mutually applying a sextile with Jupiter. I took this as a clear indication that the car would be recovered shortly.

The Moon, who rules the 7th house of the other, has just made contact with both Jupiter and Saturn nearly simultaneously and is opposing the place of Saturn — that is, opposing the querent — in a dark house and void of course, making no further contacts at all for the distance of an entire sign. She is also still hidden under the beams of the Sun, though emerging. This is a beautiful picture of the thief.

On the one hand, the thief’s contact with the car (and the querent) is done, and the querent’s contact with the car is imminent. On the other, a void-of-course Moon is a sure sign of little action in the quesited matter. I resolved this contradiction by interpreting the Moon’s void as a sign that the situation would not be resolved yet when the car was found.

I judged that the car would be recovered soon, solving the main problem, but that it would not be in ideal condition, or that there would be more to deal with once it was found.


On June 29th, the car was found very close to the querent’s home and impounded by the police, but no one told them. They eventually found out some days later and recovered it.


This was a home run. One of those real “I can’t believe astrology exists” moments. The chart itself is just crazy in its own right, with the precision of these aspects between Saturn, Jupiter, and the Moon at 7º of three nocturnal signs in a row. A crazy chart necessitated a crazy judgment, and it came true in exact detail.


Too Much Complexity


Horary 0085: Where Is My Dad’s Passport?