Knowing That Was It
people into astrology are “just” taking cues from the chart, computing how to feel/think about them, and then embodying those feelings/thoughts,
Is there something you’d rather regulate yourself with than THE PLANET YOU LIVE ON?
Do I actually believe that’s a sufficient description? Not at all.
Do I do that maybe a little bit, sometimes, with some transits or planets, as a complete beginner who hasn’t had time yet to get used to any of this?
Yeah, and you know what happens next?
I’m surprised.
I DO feel transits of planets in my literal body — absolutely, I do. Always have. Just not with the subtlety I’m starting to find now.
But also, the quality of a transit is not SEPARATE from “what happens” “during” it.
So I am still collecting experience of KNOWING “that was it.”
* just an exercise