Making Sense of Divination

There is a kind of sense that has to be made of divination, and when the practice is as technical as astrology, it can be cognitively involved.

But the sweet spot is wide where you’re giving that system something natural and productive to do, like in surveying your environment.

This is corrective for those of us whose lives are involved in a matrix of disembodied cognition on abstractions, which the media have been nice enough to reify as “knowledge work.” But this isn’t actually what surprises me about astrology. I thought I was doing that before.

What’s weird is that I thought divination and prayer and other thinky practices were the preliminary, the way of grounding thoughts in preparation to detach from them. But the detachment actually has to come first to reach the ground. And THEN you have to come BACK to Earth.

That doesn’t mean “no thoughts head empty.” It means “only thoughts that matter.”

What matters? What is matter? What is the matter?

What matters is revealed BY matter. That is, by body.

What matters is the world.

Notice what changes on the other side of detachment from abstract thoughts.

It no longer matters what is unknowable.

What is unknowable is no longer matter.

Is the world knowable? No.

We can know ABOUT the world. THAT matters.

But we cannot know matter.

No matter!


Radicality of Lineage


Unable to Look Away