Horary 0166: Will I Find Work in Tech Or a New Field?


The querent was feeling restless and wayward from personal life turmoil followed by the startup they were working at running out of money. They had five months of savings as runway. They were not feeling strongly tied to their hometown and thinking of switching careers, especially given the tight job market in tech. They requested a horary to illuminate the nature of their next opportunity.


I gave the querent Saturn, ruler of the ascendant, as well as the Moon. Saturn is retrograde in the 2nd house of money, ruminating about resources lost while separating from 2nd house ruler Jupiter, significator of the querent’s money, who is in detriment in Gemini. The Moon is also in Gemini, well past Jupiter, applying immediately by conjunction to Mars. Mars rules the midheaven, where the Lot of Fortune is smack on the angle. This is a textbook indication of a job opportunity appearing imminently.

The Moon/Mars conjunction is in Gemini, the Mercury-ruled sign of intelligence and cleverness and a pretty good stand-in for the tech industry. The other sign I might assign to technology — in its more global systemic and transformational aspect — is Aquarius, the sign on the ascendant representing this querent and their self and affairs.

Furthermore, Pluto, the transformer of paradigms and revealer of secrets is right there rising over the horizon, preparing to dip back into Capricorn one last time before moving on into Aquarius for the next 20 years. This is suggestive of taking one last crack at the work the querent has known before a more expansive shift happens.

I urged the querent to “hang in there and look for sudden opportunities. If the one that appears is in tech, even if it isn’t super well paying (Jupiter, significator of your money, is in detriment in Gemini, as I said), take it. It looks like this move will kickstart something.”


Three days later, the querent wrote to me that they had found some flexible, easy, not-very-well-paying contract work in technology that has also opened the doors to some more interesting prospects.


Some horaries are challenging to write up and require a lot of analysis. I have a bunch of those in the hopper for when I find the time to do all that, and in truth I am far more excited about those. However, when I get pitched a fastball right down the middle, I swing at it.


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