Astrology > Horary Question

Horary Question


Horary astrology is a fully divinatory practice of judging answers to questions based on the configuration of the planets at the time and place the astrologer is asked the question.

There are no birth charts or anything like that; you ask me “Will I get the apartment I want?”, I cast a chart then and there, I inspect it, and I respond, “Yes, the landlord likes you and will be in touch soon.”

If your question concerns locating lost objects, pets, or people, I have a specialized order form (and lower price) just for that.

Other examples of a good horary question:

  • Will I get the job I applied for?

  • Is my wife pregnant?

  • Do they still love me?

  • Would my child prefer the other school?

  • Will I be happier if I move to New York?

  • Could I make a living as an astrologer?

  • Will my team win the game this weekend?

Yes-or-no questions are good, but it doesn’t have to be a black-and-white matter. Comparing the quality of different options will get better results than an open-ended question. For example, ask, “Should I major in art or business?”, not “What should I major in?”

If you aren’t prepared to receive an answer to your question that isn’t what you’re hoping for, don’t ask it!

Also, you can only inquire about the same matter once. The Cosmos does not take kindly to being flooded with the same question.

When you purchase a horary question, I will follow up by email as soon as possible, either to provide a judgment outright or to ask clarifying questions. It may require some back-and-forth discussion to clarify all the elements of your question.

When my judgment is complete, I will send you the chart along with a write-up of the judgment and its astrological basis.

I cannot guarantee my judgment will be free from error, but I can assure you that astrology works. I have written reflections on the art of horary astrology after judging 150 charts if you would like to learn more about my approach.

Horary questions are $35 for Householders members.

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