Now Blogging on

While I certainly still consider technology to be well within the purview of this blog, I have a new place to write about The Worldwide Web, and I expect to do a great deal of it there. It is my pleasure to announce my debut on the blog of my new joint venture with two friends of @taalumot, the Tiger Pajamas Web Site Company.

Tiger Pajamas is a three-person web design agency I co-founded with Ashley [website | TIGER TIME] and Phil [website | TIGER TIME]. Ashley is the Design partner, Phil is the Engineering partner, and I am the Publishing partner. You can learn more about our qualifications and whatnot on our About page. I would say we have ✌️“soft-launched”✌️ at this time; we’re not done building, and we aren’t ready to start hustling, but we do have a website — more properly, a Web Site — and we’re building our first client’s site as we speak.

We are also starting our manifesto engine, as what we are doing means a great deal to us philosophically. I have now made my first entry with a post entitled “The Web Was Fine, Is Fine, and Will Always Be Fine.” As an excerpt, I have chosen the funny part:

“Have you ever gone viral? It’s absolutely terrible. It’s like being alone in your house, and then suddenly the front door opens, and the worst people you have ever met start pouring in with their shoes on, kicking your cat and yelling at you, and they stay for three days. I understand that this makes it much more likely that you will be able to pick up some loose change off the floor of your house than it was before, when your house was empty, but this is no way for anyone but the most talented people on Earth to make a living, and that’s how those people have always made their living. Social media is a video game where you pretend to be a celebrity. And that can feel very flattering, but people who are still compelled by that are missing a much better way to live that’s taking shape all around them.”

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