The Connection Between Zen and Psychedelics

the connection between zen and psychedelics is that they are both impressions of things with brains

the connection between zen and psychedelics is quite like the connection between zen and a glass of water

the connection between zen and psychedelics is that many people have experimented with both recently

the connection between zen and psychedelics is that both create risks of unskillful obsession with mental states

the connection between zen and psychedelics is that they are both fine

the connection between zen and psychedelics is that “doing” them is temporary

the connection between zen and psychedelics is not being able to decide whether it’s an ancient tradition or something you just invented yourself

the connection between zen and psychedelics is having long stretches of time on your hands

the connection between zen and psychedelics is finding out what “too much” means

the connection between zen and psychedelics is the type of guy who connects zen and psychedelics

the connection between zen and psychedelics is that i have done them


Timing Techniques


The Gods Stopped Speaking