Start Living Like Humans Again

Legs and feet in front of a stone outdoor fire pit

Last night I did some very normal singing with some very normal Jews around a very normal fire pit, and I decided that it’s time to just exert ordinary social pressure to get urban/suburban first-world whatevers to start living like humans again.

There’s no more alpha in being esoteric. Fire and singing is more fun than TV. That’s all there is to it. Start calling bugman activities “boring.” Ask people out on fire dates. Only date people who will go on fire dates. Teach your kids how to tend fire (they know how to sing).

If I’m being honest, the singing last night wasn’t even GOOD, and it was better than watching TV because there were other humans expressing themselves nearby, and you could feel them.

I wonder if people get how critical to my advocacy for this sort of thing the singing part is. I know people who are like, “Okay, I’m outside now. There is some wood on fire. This is fine, but like, where is the magical part you promised?”

Singing together will fix you.


The Job of Language


Waving and Laughing