
🐯 Do you ever feel like people’s ups-and-downs can synchronize with each other?

👓 Like menstrual cycles?

🐯 Exactly like that. But sometimes it feels like other body and mind cycles sync too.

👓 I know what you mean. I think it just…being in sync with the person though. Maybe sometimes it’s just sympathy pains.

🐯 I can believe that. But maybe sympathy is magical.

👓 Maybe people are magical.

🐯 I think we are. Do you?

👓 I think it takes a spark to initiate the magic we experience in people. Sometimes that spark is in our head; sometimes that’s all we need.

🐯 You mean like a spark of recognition? Or “sparks flying?”

👓 Recognition. But that recognition could be anything.

🐯 So it’s something to do with attention, then? Noticing something? Does that mean everything sparks when we notice it?

👓 I meant more of a spark on a deeper level I guess. The spark that makes us see the magic in people. It could be subconscious. But it’s there.

🐯 So it happens to us, then. Or can we light our own sparks?

👓 Well, technically I guess it’s happening to us, but that usually has something to do with ourselves, so it’s part you, as well. This is all just how I see things. I haven’t planned anything out.

🐯 Do we have a choice sometimes? Or never? Or is the only choice to be ready or not?

👓 I think of it as something that’s just constantly happening. However, we make the choice for it to be possible by being ourselves.

🐯 If we’re not being ourselves, it’s not possible to spark. Not to quote a movie, but “how are we not ourselves?”

👓 I wasn’t insinuating we could not be ourselves.

🐯 Then we don’t have a choice?

👓 The sparks are set off by things already in our minds—memories, likes, words—why are these things already in our minds? Because of us? Because of others? Both?

🐯 A fucking fantastic question. Things get in there with or without us. We seem to be able to focus our gaze with effort, but that’s it.


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First World Problems