My Prayer
I wrote/downloaded a prayer once while I was alone in the desert all day.
I consider it “my prayer,” the summation, the seven lines that suffice for prayer in any mode if it’s coming from me, and I feel like sharing it, but something is holding me back.
Like I said, I downloaded it straight, so you’ll have to believe me when I say it has these characteristics:
7 lines (very Kabbalistic; think days of the week)
22 beats (22 letters in the alef bet)
4 bars of 4/4 and 3 of 3/4, but the rhythm is swung and goes over the bar line
Line 1 is a name for G!d. Lines 2, 3, and 4 describe layers of Mind, Intelligence, and Awareness as fields that are aspects of G!d. Lines 5–7 are a prayer invoking, inviting, beckoning and recognizing Oneness by praying to be reminded of it.
It can be chanted over and over indefinitely. It’s slow and funky.
This is where I was (approximately):