Horary 0157: Is He Interested in a Committed Relationship?


The querent (a woman) wanted to know whether the quesited (a man) was interested in a committed, monogamous relationship with her after three dates. She reported that he was not a responsive communicator but could not tell whether it was due to a reclusive nature or a lack of initiative. She also sensed that monogamy might not be his thing. She requested a horary to help calibrate her expectations early on.


I gave the querent Saturn, ruler of the ascendant. The quesited got the Moon, ruler of the descendant. The Moon is in the 1st house; he has come to her. His significator is also in Aquarius, a fixed sign, rather than Capricorn, a movable sign, which is one testimony for commitment. The Moon is also just separating from destructive Pluto, though.

The Moon is in quite a lovely position, being benefically enclosed by trine between Jupiter and Venus in the chart’s 5th house of pleasure. Both of these benefics are combust by the rays of the Sun, though.

In a relationship horary involving a woman and a man, Venus and the Sun, respectively, can traditionally be taken as secondary significators of their primal gendered energies, and so this situation suggests he holds power over her in terms of the exchange of energy. But as Venus applies the conjunction to the Sun, a moment of connection is close at hand. The Moon’s good reception for Saturn — plus the benefic enclosure, though the benefics are weakened — is also a good sign for their connection.

But what about the endurance of this connection, which is the querent’s real question?

I noted that Mercury will make the sextile with Saturn, the querent’s significator, before the Moon (the quesited’s significator) makes it to Venus. Mercury feels important here as the ruler of Gemini, the playful place where so much of the action in this chart is. If I were to look for a signature for “serious and committed” in a chart, three planets in Gemini would not be it, and so the involvement of its ruler with the querent’s significator gave me pause.

Faithfulness and Commitment — Big, Sacred things — are Jupiter things, and Jupiter has just gone into his antithesis upon entering Gemini. Jupiter rules Pisces, where Saturn, the querent’s Enduring, Serious significator is; the conditions she wants are not strongly supported in this chart.

I judged that there is certainly some mutual interest and chemistry between these people, but what it represents is more of a fun fling than a serious commitment.


After two weeks of no communication, the quesited man texted the querent to say he was not able to handle deep connection at the moment.


This was a tricky chart. It relies on the conditions of the rulers of significators more than I’m used to, but when I lay it all out, that’s a perfectly good way to understand the judgment. The relationship between the people themselves is perfectly nice and fun, but what they want is not aligned.


Torah Posting: בלק


Torah Posting: חקת