Horary 0129: Where Is My Wallet?


The querent had lost a leather wallet embroidered with a landscape scene and was not sure of its last location. It could be at home or at several nearby locations where they ran errands for their kids.


I gave the wallet Jupiter, ruler of the 2nd house of the querent’s possessions. The wallet being leather and decorated with landscapes signified by Jupiter in Taurus was a nice radical description. I observed its position in the 6th house and seized upon the thing the querent had said about running errands. I gave the standard 6th house significations of “the servant’s quarters” and the pets’ room, as well as the related ideas of the laundry or utility rooms of the house or places where one does errands or chores — the daily grind.

The querent is signified by Mars, the ascendant ruler. I observed the forming aspect between the significators and reassured the querent they would find the wallet.


The querent found the wallet shortly before they received my judgment. It was in a medical kit belonging to their child.


What I should have seized upon in the querent’s description was that the errands were for their kids. If I had been thinking about the kids more, I would have realized the 6th is the 2nd from the 5th, the child’s possessions. The 6th house significations of illness and injury — and the joy of Mars, who is the planet making contact — are also nice touches that would have given us the “medical kit” part of the answer.

This was just a clever horary riddle I did not solve! At least I solved the “you’re going to find it” part.


Torah Posting: לך לך


Horary 0127: Where Is Dushu the Cat?