Horary 0112: Should I Propose to My Boyfriend This Year?


The querent sought astrological confirmation that it would be auspicious to propose to their boyfriend before the end of the calendar year.

The querent is a Libra rising in a 7th-house profection year, and Mars (their descendant ruler) was transiting Libra at the time. Their boyfriend had just entered a 4th-house profection year, and he is also Venus-ruled, meaning the summer-long Venus retrograde that caused much global relationship turmoil was something these two Venus-ruled lovers experienced in relatively similar ways. These natal astrological conditions combined to give the querent an omen of marrying and making a home.

The querent reported their heart already said yes to this question, so this chart isn’t some demonstration of amazing predictive power. What the querent wanted was celestial support for taking this brave action, and this is a beautiful example of that.


I began my judgment by explaining that, as understandable an omen as these transits and timing techniques provide, the horary chart has to corroborate the answer on its own, without reference to the natal significations, in order to be judged the same way.

The first clear indication that it does is that the horary chart also has the descendant ruler in the 1st house. The Moon, as descendant ruler, is the boyfriend’s significator. She is in Aquarius, and so has better dignity than she would have in Capricorn, with the same positive reception for Saturn, who signifies the querent as the ascendant ruler. In both the querent’s natal transits and in this horary — using completely different planets and signs — the signification of the 7th-house ruler in the 1st house is that the boyfriend is ready to be with the querent, literally present in the querent’s place.

Saturn’s reception for the Moon in return is limited from his place in Pisces, but there is at least compatibility by triplicity in a water sign. However, the Sun and Venus can be taken as secondary significators in relationship horaries, and they are available here and fill in the story beautifully.

Venus, as a secondary significator for the querent, is in the 7th house — returning that readiness to be with the other shown by L7 in the 1st — and Venus is in Leo with strong reception for the Sun, the boyfriend’s secondary significator. Each partner has a significator in the other’s house with reception by domicile for their partner’s other significator, a loving and balanced parallel.

Best of all, the chart shows the affirmative event. The Moon (the boyfriend) and Venus (the querent) are mutually applying their next aspect to each other. With the aspect perfecting in about 8º, I gave the querent a timeframe for the engagement of eight weeks, well within the current calendar year.

As a bonus cute detail, I pointed out that in the transit chart for the perfected Moon/Venus aspect to the horary chart, the Lot of Spirit is exchanged from near her significator, Venus, to his, the Moon. I couldn’t resist seeing this as the querent putting a ring on it.


The querent and her boyfriend made arrangements for a wedding the very week indicated in the horary, and they were married a few weeks later.


What a precious thing to be a part of! The astrological details are really exquisite. The parallel 1st house/7th house exchange that mirrors the querent’s natal transits activated by profection but involves totally different planets and signs! The Lot of Spirit exchange of rings! Just beautiful.


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