Horary 0090: When Will I Land a Job?


The querent wanted to know when they would land their first “real” job just after graduating college. They were working as a tutor, but they were seeking stable, gainful employment and wanted a sense of how long that would take to manifest.


After a brief disclaimer about the wiggliness of horary timing and how this type of question could probably be answered more accurately using natal timing techniques, I nevertheless found horary timing indications that seemed precise.

I gave the querent the Moon as significator because Mercury rules both the ascendant and the midheaven and thus is needed to signify the job. The Moon and Mercury are co-present in the Leo 11th house with the Moon applying her conjunction. Contact between the significators of the querent and the job would signify the event of getting the job, so this is a good start.

The application is prohibited by a square with Jupiter. Jupiter is the benefic of the sect and exalts the Moon from Taurus, and he rules the 4th house of home and the 7th house of others. If Jupiter were more negatively disposed, I would quickly judge this as an event causing some difficulty in the job search process. But it seemed appropriate given Jupiter’s favorable disposition toward the Moon to judge that this could actually be a supportive action by a family member (4th house) or other key relationship (7th house) that results in getting the job soon after.

The Moon/Mercury conjunction perfects in about 10 degrees, giving 10 units of time before the quesited event, and which unit it is must be determined by horary timing logic. The applying planet is in a fixed sign and a succedent house, which would indicate the “long-ish medium” unit of time, whatever the reasonable unit is.

I figured the two possibilities for short/medium/long units were “days/weeks/months” or “weeks/months/years,” so I asked the querent whether 10 weeks or 10 months seemed like the more reasonable answer given the context in their life. I noted in my initial judgment that despite my training to take “anything + medium” as “medium,” the fixed signs inclined me toward the longer of the two options, but I deferred to the querent on whether that made sense to them, since 10 months felt like a rather long time to hang in there before getting the job.


The querent initially replied that “10 weeks is definitely the more likely of the two,” but I have had that sort of optimism about job searches too many times in my life to do anything but sympathize in response. I maintained my sense that 10 months was the more likely window, but I checked in after 10 weeks to see how things were going, and the querent reported no luck.

After three months, I got another update saying things were picking up. Other people in their network were sending them leads. I took this as nice significations of both the benefic Jupiter L7 contact and the Moon/Mercury co-presence in the 11th house of friends and networks. The Jupiter contact manifested much more radically later, six months after the initial question. The querent moved to a new city (4th house) and a wealthy person with whom they had a business relationship (7th house) invited the querent to stay with them. This situation appeared quite generous at first, but it turned sour, and the querent moved out.

The horary chart’s description of this event — the Moon/Jupiter square — is even more beautiful than I initially delineated. It does look benefic at first, as I said, but I had not considered the relevance of the fact that Venus, Jupiter’s ruler as the lord of Taurus, was at the degree of her retrograde station at the time the chart was cast, so there would soon be a turnaround in Jupiter’s condition. Just a gorgeous bit of astrology. And this event did still drive the querent forward in their job search, since the breakdown of this seemingly good living situation lit a fire under them.

Nine months after the horary was cast, the querent wrote to tell me that they were offered a marketing job at a high-impact startup, meaning the job would start at right around 10 months.


This chart had a thrilling conclusion after such a far-out prediction, and the details in it are just pristine. It’s enough to get me to moderate my frequent disclaimers about the difficulties of predicting timing in horary. When the chart is radical, the timing is as clear as day.


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