Horary 0089: Where Is My Blue Raincoat?
The querent was missing a blue raincoat. That’s all I knew.
I gave the coat to Mars as ruler of the 2nd house, past the descendant in the 6th house but still in the setting sign. I described the place as a “utility or laundry area” (but also mentioned the pet/small animal factor that’s always a possible 6th house signification if applicable). I delineated the placement in a mutable earth sign and past the descendant as “low to the ground” and “likely in between things.”
I pointed out that all the key significators were “wet and earthy,” with the ascendant in a water sign and its ruler in the 2nd, also in an earth sign, and with the Moon in another water sign, though imminently moving from a wet to dry sign. I thought these could be factors that indicated it was outside, but I didn’t have enough contextual information to go on.
There is no applying aspect that obviously suggests imminent recovery by the querent, though I did point out the applying Mars/Saturn opposition in case it was possible in context that a friend would find it, with Saturn ruling the 11th. But I still found the testimony of recovery “okay,” given that the ascendant ruler has a sign-based aspect from the 2nd house, i.e. the place of the querent’s own possessions.
A day and a half later, the querent wrote back to report they had found the jacket in the back of a basement closet. The basement was unfinished when they moved in (wet) but is now fully built out (dry). The closet itself was built as a cedar closet many years ago, which the querent also associated with my delineations of earth and water signs.
I’m still a little perplexed by the prohibition of L1 contact by Saturn in this one, but the harmonies of earth and water elements and the sign-based testimony is good enough. The description of the lost object’s location is pretty bang on, anyway, and that’s usually all that matters.