Horary 0052: Will I Get the Job?
The querent had just interviewed for a job and wanted to know if they would get it. Straightforward bingo-bango horary question.
I assigned the querent Mercury, ruler of the ascendant, and the Moon.
Contact with the 10th house ruler, Jupiter, would be the sign of getting the job. Neither of the querent’s significators are making an aspect with Jupiter, and the Moon’s next aspect is with Saturn in Pisces, just past the midheaven and ruling westerly houses. I delineated this as “looking an awful lot like someone else in the house of Jupiter preventing you from getting it.”
But I noted that Mercury had just turned retrograde and is now mutually applying a sextile with Mars, which is very close to the Lot of Eros. Mars rules the sign after the 10th house cusp, which can be taken in a job search horary as indicating the next job. Noting Mars’ reception for the Moon from Cancer and the significance of the Lot of Eros for the querent’s desire, I included this delineation as a hopeful sign for the job interview after this one.
I didn’t include this part because it wasn’t relevant to judging the question yes or no, but Mars’ presence in the 1st house in a day chart, and also in its fall in Cancer, is a fairly unpleasant sign. Hearing, “Hey, maybe the next one will work out!” doesn’t exactly make up for the painful feelings of not getting a job, especially one that ghosts you after the interview as so many do these days.
The querent did not hear back from the job and called it conclusive a couple months later.
This is the kind of chart that would be a good example in an intro to horary class. While there’s other information, and my 9H Virgo Mercury demeanor is unable to leave it out, all you need to look for is, “Does the querent’s significator make an aspect with the job’s significator?” Answer: no.