Horary 0013: Where Are the Buddhist Shakti Oracle Cards?
The querent had lost a set of what they described as “Buddhist Shakti oracle cards.”
This was one of my last freebie drive-by Twitter DM horaries, and I did not have any context for this person or this question. It was well timed for me, though, and I cast a chart and saw some striking aspects, so I decided to have a go at it.
I gave the cards the Moon, ruler of the 2nd house of possessions. I saw it in the 6th house, applying immediately to an angular Mercury, ruler of the ascendant, and I figured that was that. The object would return to the querent.
I said, “Look in places associated with work or tools, workshops, utility rooms. Could also be associated with employees, tenants, or pets, as these things were in the same category for the ancients.” These are just boilerplate 6th house significations.
The querent did find the cards.
They reported that their “chosen fam sister had it with her,” and that they had been left in an office she was renting.
The simple elegance of this chart was the reason I felt moved to judge it in the first place, and it played out perfectly. I didn’t know anything about a sister-figure when I judged it, but Mercury is also immediately applying to conjoin the Sun, ruler of the 3rd — the sister — so the Moon makes contact with both of them.