Holding the World Together

Shoutout to my householders holding the world together. 🙏

You’re who I’m here for, I’m finally realizing. Who I’m doin’ it for.

It’s not just that you’re my people, it’s that you’re other people’s people.

Those of us with practices and devotions as powerful as they are ad hoc. Who pray fervently from the darkest depths, and bless and give thanks from the highest bliss, because we undergo both extremes each day, sleep as we can, and then get up and do it again.

Those of us who don’t have time to rationalize and systematize and optimize and prioritize. Who will take a 51% as a win. Who are flipping the bird at the renunciates and messiahs and staying behind if it gives someone one single smile that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

What I am here for is a third way.

Not reinvention, because we will not throw our families and communities into chaos for the sake of some fabulous ideal.

Not orthodoxy, because we know that our reality will only ever compromise its impossible standards.

We must be forgiving.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned from householder life, it’s that forgiveness is the whole of the practice. It is what creates openings when the way is closed.

Householder life is the opportunity to make enough mistakes to learn from them fast enough to do better someday.

If your path is about love and relationship and devotion, that counts.

No particular relationship configuration counts or doesn’t count.

It’s relationship itself that counts.


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Ascensional Times