Fudged Ideals
You know, “materialism” doesn’t really describe the bone I have to pick.
I have just as much to say to people who postulate philosophically derived imaginary entities.
The issue is that “materialism” is actually A FORM OF IDEALISM, and I feel like I just did a philosophy oh god
But THAT’S IT! That’s ALL the philosophy, because IDEAS-DRIVEN EXISTENCE is the bone I have to pick.
The idea that “everything is stuff” is AN IDEA.
Ideas are made up. Like, that is the definition of an idea.
Relationship, compromise, fudged ideals. That’s what I like.
This gets underneath another inversion that’s been getting at me, one that runs counter to what every so-called “conservative” authority figure ever told me growing up.
You know what “conserves” the life-ways of real people just trying to live? Negotiation. Compromise.
You know, politics.
Imposing some new order based on what seems like a good idea to YOU? Whether it’s in the Bible or just what seems Rational?
That’s something ELSE, man.
Now consider who wants to create “super-intelligences.”