Couldn’t Be Me

One of the hardest things to deprogram from controlling thought forms is the prideful denial that one could ever have been susceptible to them.

This is related to the way people who have gotten what they need from a particular idea, practice, or construct will then make a personality about how wasteful and unnecessary that thing is.

Atomized, individual pursuit of a good way of life depends on a sense of freedom, self-reliance and discernment. One can’t trust oneself in that pursuit without that sense.

Any sign of being subject to forces that go beyond oneself threaten that sense.

Whether it helped or hurt, something that had an influence must be diminished if one wishes to preserve a self concept that one is in charge of one’s own path through life.

I hope I don’t need to elaborate on the failure modes of that self concept.

Interdependence is okay, though.


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