Moon Photos
Images of the omen of my environment.
One photo per month,
when the Moon is in Capricorn.
Moon Photos is currently on pause.
Thank you for viewing.
Moon Photo 2
Dazed, like me.
I’m still waking up. Running outside barefoot to take this photo was the first thing I did. I tried several concepts for it; the Moon is low in the south and close to the trees and rooftops, but the light wasn’t right to situate her in a scene. She was just up, alone, dazed, like me.
Moon Photo 1
I had a pretty crunched morning.
I had a pretty crunched morning. This write-up took me an hour and a half, so I didn’t get the kid wake-up train rolling until about half an hour late, and I had a meeting at 9:00. I decided to bring my camera with me on the half-mile walk to take my eldest to preschool, knowing I would be able to find a Moon shot on the way back. I scouted out trees on the way there, and I opted for this one right in front of her school.