The Aquarian Age of Corporations

It’s not that there isn’t a new age dawning.

It’s that the new age is purely mechanical. It’s a technical and economic and environmental transformation. It’s the Aquarian Age of Corporations. And human beings are just trying to remain human beings in the face of it.

I’m always struggling to articulate why the spiritual awakening people and the AI overlord people sound exactly the same to me — and why the biggest freaks, the spiritual AI overlord people, are the purest expression of the evil spirit of the times, and being just one or the other is a half measure.

It’s because they’re all buying the corporate fallacy that humans can and should become something more-than-human by transcending their individual personhood.

The only reason to anoint a messiah is to found a church.

When was the last time a new church saved the world?


Torah Posting: שלח


Torah Posting: בהעלתך